Have You Been Neglecting Your Website? Let me explain how putting your efforts here can streamline your social media strategy…

Build a high converting website for your hair salon

Are you tired of the constant chatter about how to use social media for your business? It seems like everyone has an opinion on what you should be doing, and it can be overwhelming. There’s so much “STOP doing this” or, “you are making these 5 mistakes!”, and honestly sometimes I feel like throwing my phone on the ground and giving up. Is social media and attracting new clients really this hard?

As business owners, we have so much on our plate, and wouldn’t it be great if instead of being told about everything we are doing wrong people could share knowledge and tips by showing us the transformation instead?

But let's face it: our clients are probably feeling the exact same way. People are fatigued at the moment when it comes to Instagram, and to be honest, your efforts might be better spent elsewhere if you don't yet have a strong website that converts visitors into customers. 🤷‍♀️

Instagram and other social platforms are great for building connections, showcasing your work, and generating leads. But, if you don’t have a website that acts as your ultimate destination for your dream audience, it's time to shift your focus and make your website the star of the show. 💫 Why? Because you can spiral on social media and post, and post, and engage, and like, and DM and ALL OF THE THINGS, but if your website isn’t as beautiful as your salon business, those leads won’t be warm leads – they’ll turn cold.

I have a confession to make: I'm obsessed with websites. Why? Because I believe in simplifying and streamlining the customer journey through automated websites and building awareness through SEO. If you want your salon business to thrive, your website needs to be in tip-top shape. When was the last time you conducted a website audit? 🧐

Let's face it: it's time to leave outdated web designs in the past. 2007 called, and it wants its website back.

As busy business owners, we need to set up our websites to do the heavy lifting. Your website should automate bookings and provide all the information your guests need to know about your salon brand. It's your 24/7 virtual storefront, and guess what: if you get it right, you can take your foot off the gas when it comes to socials…

Here's the deal: you do not own the social media platforms you're so diligently posting on. You're building your presence on rented land. And trust me, you can get kicked out without a follower to your name. I know, because it’s happened to me.

It's time to get your followers onto a platform you actually own – your website and your mailing list – so that you can break free from the endless cycle of social media, and regain control over your online presence.

Okay so where do you start? You can literally type into Pinterest Squarespace templates, WordPress websites, or Show It websites – my fave for service based industries in Squarespace, but go with what you’re most comfortable with. Yes, I do think web designers are worth it, but make sure you do your homework so that you can find the perfect fit for you. There are hundreds of template stores on the web and also within the likes on Etsy and Creative Market, and you can even find social media templates so that everything about your brand is beautiful and concise.

What do you need to have on your website?

One: the design should be stun.

Two: SHOW OFF YOUR SPACE. Investing in professional shots is crucial!

Three: highlight your team and show them off – giving credit where it’s due (eg. specialises in what and link their work).

Four: tell your story, share your mission, and explain who you serve. It should speak directly to your target audience.

Five: your pricing and services should be clear, and you should have all of your booking, deposit, cancellation, and adjustment policies listed here.

Six: plug in a streamlined booking system to take the hassle out of booking requests, and let the client take control. Online booking systems solve more problems than what they create.

Seven: list your location, and have all of your contact information readily available.

Eight: talk yourselves up. Have you been in any exciting publications or won awards? Tell people about it! Build trust with your community.

Nine: optimise your website with SEO. If you’re unsure of how to do this, you can find people who offer this service, and while it takes time to climb up the ranks, your website should be key –word rich, with images strategically named, and headlines that hit keywords first to increase your SEO.

Ten: capture your leads with “must have” items or offers. You can enable pop ups that deliver something of must-have status to your dream client in return for their email. People think discounting is a dirty word but tbh, my salon business was built off first time client discounts and word of mouth, not Instagram.

Okay great, but how do I optimise my website for ultimate success?

Ranking higher on Google requires a combination of strategies and efforts to improve your websites visibility in search results. Here are some steps you can take to enhance your business's search engine ranking:

1. Optimise your website for SEO

- Conduct keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases for your business.

- Optimise your websites meta titles, meta descriptions, and header tags with these keywords.

- Ensure your website is mobile-friendly and loads quickly. SO important

- Create high-quality, relevant, and original content on your website that provides value to your visitors. No stock images people – it’s so 90’s, and not in a good way. Get fresh content and take professional looking pictures and videos.

- Use descriptive, SEO-friendly URLs. None of this www.yourhairsalon.com/hhh8nnhkpirum - make sure that your urls are renamed so that they are specific to the page you’re on

2. Improve On-Page SEO

- Use keywords naturally throughout your content, but avoid overstuffing. We all love to waffle on, but cut out the crap and be strategic with the language you’re using. If you get stuck, use ChatGPT to guide you – it’s capable of creating great content.

- Optimise your images by using descriptive file names and alt tags. So again, when uploading images to your site, make sure you rename the files. For example for a salon based in London, you may rename pictures to “London best hair salon” etc.

- Use internal links to connect relevant pages on your website and check that you don’t have broken links. Audit your website frequently

3. Create High-Quality Content:

- Regularly publish informative, engaging, and original content that addresses the needs and questions of your target audience.

- Consider a blog or resource section to showcase your expertise. Plus, blogs can really increase your SEO when done properly. If you’re overwhelmed by this, call in our biz bestie ChatGPT – just make sure you edit it to sound authentic, because robots lack soul

- Incorporate multimedia content like videos and infographics. And, did you know that you can even create fun GIF’s by using the likes of Vimeo? Pretty cool, huh?

4. Build Quality Backlinks:

- Acquire backlinks from reputable websites in your industry and beyond. If you’ve been in publications, pull the logos and link the articles to those logos

- Guest posting on relevant blogs or websites can help build backlinks. Can people comment or review certain things on your website?

- Focus on creating shareable content that others will naturally link to. I also love enabling Pinterest so that my images get pulled across to drive traffic

5. Optimise for Local SEO:

- Set up and optimise your Google My Business (GMB) listing (no, Google is NOT dead). Add relevant photos to your profile and ensure it looks cohesive with your website and social media accounts

- Ensure that your name, address, and phone number (NAP) information is consistent across the web. Don’t forget to check your facebook page

- Encourage customer reviews on Google and other review platforms. You can capture reviews in salon by providing customers with QR codes and could send automated emails to clients following their appointment with you

6. Monitor and Analyse:

- Use tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console to track your website's performance.

- Analyse your traffic, keywords, and user behaviour to make data-driven improvements.

7. Social Media Presence:

- Maintain an active presence on social media platforms that are relevant to your business. But aim to schedule your content and be specific about what you post. Quality over quantity, don’t overthink it.

- Share and promote your content and engage with your audience. Block out times to engage with your audience, if you’re time poor this is an easy thing to outsource to another team member

Remember that improving your Google ranking is a gradual process that takes time and ongoing effort. SEO is a long-term strategy, and it's essential to stay patient and persistent. If you're not confident in your ability to handle SEO on your own, you may want to consider hiring an experienced SEO professional or agency to assist you, you can find these guys all over the web and can use platforms like Fiverr to get some help at a great rate.

Once you have a beautiful and optimised website, you should tie in your socials to reflect the same aesthetic and brand mission, it needn’t get too much more complicated than that - work hard once and let your website convert your followers into hot leads that knock down the door to get an appointment with you.

If you're feeling overwhelmed by the idea of revamping your website, I've got you covered. I'm now offering complete brand audits that include both social media and website evaluations. It's time to take charge of your online presence and make your website the powerhouse it should be. 💻💪

Oh, and don’t get me wrong social media is essential, but it shouldn't be your primary focus. Your website is where you can truly shine and convert visitors into loyal customers. Don't let an outdated website hold you back. It's time for a website makeover, and I'm here to help.

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